The Elements And Directive Principles Of Progressivistic, Indigenization As A Philosophy Of Progress For Contemporary Africa (Critical Rooted-Interculturality)
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Published: 15 February 2021 | Article Type :Abstract
African nations after, an average of about 50 years of their so called political Independence have failed to meet up with the glorious expectations of the African optimists. Pessimism is the order of the day. The problem lies in the fact that African states were born in a world already ready-made by the colonial powers and their imperatives. Consequently, their technological and economic developmental suits and patterns were sewn for Africa, but they have always remained either oversized or undersized or even shapeless, which made Africa a laughing stock in the world. African states have dissipated their energies trying to live in other peoples world views which have suffocated her, economically and culturally and created a shameful dependence and a beggarly mentality. This article intends to articulate a theoretical road map in the name of a philosophy of progressivistic indigenization envisioned as a philosophy of progress, which could offer a road map and progressive path to Africa nations
Keywords: Indigenization, Interculturality, Progressivism, Culture, Leapfrogging, Self-reliance, Modernization, Technological Choice.

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How to Cite
DR. JUDE UWALAKA. (2021-02-15). "The Elements And Directive Principles Of Progressivistic, Indigenization As A Philosophy Of Progress For Contemporary Africa (Critical Rooted-Interculturality)." *Volume 4*, 1, 14-25